Friday, July 15, 2005

An Exercise in Narcissism

It seems that fashion (to be followed suit by form and function) demands that all 'serious' scholarship requires a space both on- and off-line for the exploration, publishing, or perusal of ideas, materials, questions, resources, and whatever bits and jots come to mind. As a starting PhD student in English at the University of Washington, I figure I better get with the fashion or be left on the side of the digital highway. Queer View Mirror is my attempt at a scholarly web log where I will wax (and wane) about the things that interest me, that go bump in the night in my brain and heart, that stop me and make me go "hmm." QVM is place where my indisciplinariness can shine and where I can natter on about digital studies, gender studies, race studies, pop culture, film, teaching, writing, reading, and all things intersecting and intertextual.

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